Yesterday I took a trip to the grocery store after a 3 day bout with the flu. You are probably thinking that I am going to talk about fatigue after being sick right? Well you would be wrong. I want to talk about the mental fatigue that comes with shopping for my family to provide healthy clean foods. I am tired. So tired of having to search for good food.
My trip always starts in the produce department. Oh how I wish we had a Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe's in my city but apparently they believe that we are not worthy - even though we are the second largest city in the state. But I will keep that whine to myself for now. My first pass through the produce is in hunt of organic products on my list. This time of year it is harder and harder for me to find with the farmers market and my trusted local farms produce unavailable. The standard onions, potatoes, apples, carrots, celery, broccoli, and beets are pretty much always to be found. Then at a premium cost I can find peppers, zucchini, avocados and tomatoes. I hate to see the only strawberries are conventional. I wonder how much pesticide has been sprayed on them. What about the raspberries? It feels like a land mind of toxins that I am having to dodge on each shopping trip making me the shopping warrior.
So here it is. These are the things I look for and am concerned about on my shopping trip. If you are looking to help make your family healthier through your diet then these are the things to consider.
Strawberries - One of the highest sprayed crops. Can be sprayed with Methylbromide or Methyiodine both are toxic endocrine chemicals that inhibit thyroid hormone creation, clog your liver and promote poor health.
Bananas - Did you know that they radiate banana's to keep them from ripening quickly on their journey to your store?
Conventional Produce in general - grown on poorly maintained soil that has not been cared for to maximize nutrients in the foods. Crops are sprayed with chemicals that are harmful to the body. Some crops come from genetically modified seeds that cannot be utilized by the body and may even contribute to cancer or other illnesses in the body. Jeffrey Smith has been doing some great research on the dangers of "Frankenfoods".
Ice Cream - My children love an occasional treat. What child doesn't? A quick look at a label will make your head spin. I have made my own ice cream and it is cream, eggs, sugar and any flavor or fruit you would like. End of story. But the ice cream you find in stores contains high fructose corn syrup (Corn sugar as they are trying to trick you with now), preservatives, and dyes. Many milks come from cows treated with growth hormones that increase their milk production long after God would have them produce milk for their calves. Meijers (where I shop for some things) has stopped providing their organic ice cream.
Canned foods - I worry that the cans are lined with BPA. This is another powerful endocrine disruption chemical. It lines the cans to help keep the taste from leeching into the foods. But at what cost do we get this?
Flour products - If we still ate gluten (wheat) bread products we would have to be concerned with brominated flour or the usage of brominated vegetable oil. Bromide is a toxic halide that blocks iodine absorption in the body. Many think of iodine in reference to the thyroid. But iodine is used as a key nutrient in the function of apoptosis - programmed cell death - of abnormal cells. It is highly cancer protective for this very reason. If a cell is abnormal then iodine triggers P53 - the gene that "marks it" as a problem so that the body knows to remove it before it grows into something dangerous. Bromide is also found in products like Gatorade / sports drinks as well as citrus pop like Mt Dew.
Soy - Soy is one of the biggest genetically modified crops. It seems to be in everything lately. For many it causes an inflammatory response. My family has an issue with it. Unless is is fermented soy like tamari or tempeh it is best to avoid it. Soy also inhibits thyroid hormone production and is known as a goitrogen (blocking iodine).
Hydrogenated Oils - Just when you think you have dealt with it all, the HFCS, Brominated Oils, there are hydrogenated oils. They come in partially hydrogenated forms and most recently can be found in an even worse form in Jiff Peanut Butter in a FULLY hydrogenated form. Hydrogenation modifies the oil to make it a solid when it would be liquid normally. It has been implicated in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and birth defects. Here is a downloadable report.
Meats - The final problem I encounter is meat. Most meat is hormone fed and cage contained. The animals are not happy animals roaming in green pastures eating the grass under their feet. They are distressed and unhappy with too many animals contained in a small area. Sanitary conditions are not good and many are exposed to the feces of the other animals. Regular antibiotics are given to "protect the herd" from what may potentially happen. Stress hormones end up in the meat of these animals for us to consume with the antibiotics and growth hormones. Then to preserve it they add nitrates and nitrites that are known cancer causing agents.
So what do I do to keep my family safe?
1. Buy as much organic as I can. If that means I travel to 3-4 stores to shop then so be it. I do it.
2. I have a cow share where I have bought part of a cow so that I can get raw milk right from the farm where they are raised organically.
3. During the summer I shop the farmers market and get to know my farmers and thier farming practices.
4. Joined a local organic / natural farming co-op where I can buy meats, frozen fruits and other *safe* products throughout the year.
5. Order organic products online. I purchase from, ,,,
6. Shop my local heathfood store.
It may seem like a lot of effort but with a little planning you can accomplish your goals effectively. It's worth it for the health it provides. Will you be a warrior mom too?
So Tired!
Kale Glorious Kale
Raw Coconut Chia Pudding
1/3 C Coconut Milk (with some of the cream mixed in) - You can also use almond milk, rice milk, raw milk, hemp milk or anything you want.
1/2-3/4 Tbs Chia Seeds
1/4 tsp Pure Vanilla
Agave to taste - you can also use Stevia, Honey, Maple Syrup
Play around with it. Next time I will try some cinnamon or some fresh fruit. The possibility is endless.
For those of you who want to know how to make some coconut milk, here is a great recipe. I have a BlendTec blender and it works great. I got my cheese cloth at Bed Bath & Beyond as well as a wonderful metal strainer.
The Green Eyed Monster
It's the Halloween weekend and I made a green smoothie for breakfast. I have named it the Green Eyed Monster because you will be so envious.
1 Cup Kale
1 Ring of Pineapple
1/2 Banana
1 TBS Hemp Seeds (yum - this is my first time trying them and they are awesome!)
1/2 TBS Chai Seeds
20 oz Water + a few ice cubes if you like it cold
Blend until smooth and creamy. Drink up!
Check out the powerhouse of nutrients in this smoothie. A great way to start your day.
Power Up!
Quick Nutritious Harvest Lunch
As I experience a high level of stress to finish my Doctorate of Naturopathy degree I have to remind myself to watch my diet to feed my body a lot of nutrients. When under stress your body can burn through more nutrients than you normally would. As I approach the finish line, the last thing I want to do is crash and burn as my diploma arrives. Today was a warning. I struggle from shingles and I felt them flaring up once again. So off to my chiropractor / ND doctor I went this morning for an adjustment. He reminded me that it was important to keep my veggie level high during this time.
So what's for lunch at my house today?
I took some veggies from my refrigerator and chopped them up. I used zuchinni, red onion, carrots and fresh garlic. I put 1 Tbs organic olive oil in a small cast iron frying pan and sautee'd them just to the point of slightly crunchy. Too much cooking removes nutrients and kills off the good enzymes.
Sucralose with Probiotics - Is that healthy?
I was grocery shopping yesterday and passing quickly down the baking aisle and noticed a new product on the shelf. I was looking at all the new stevia products and then something caught my eye "NEVELLA with Probiotics". HUH? How can a sugar product have probiotics. So I flipped it over and looked at the ingredients.
Dextrose with Maltodextrin, Sucralose,Bacillus Coagulans GBI-30 6086
So lets start at the beginning:
Dextrose (Glucose): is a high glycemic index, fast absorbing type of simple carbohydrate. Dextrose is used by bodybuilders and athletes to induce an insulin spike and replace glycogen in muscle cells which is lost during training. This is not something good for the average person to be consuming since it sets you up for insulin resistance by constantly flooding the body with glucose.
Maltodextrin: It is a polysaccharide that is used as a food additive. Maltodextrin is easily digestible, being absorbed as rapidly as glucose, and might be either moderately sweet or almost flavorless. It contains less calories than sugar. This is a processed additive -both of which are a bad idea.
Sucralose: A zero calorie artificial sweetener. It is approximately 600 times sweeter than table sugar. Sucralose belongs to a class of compounds known as organochlorides (or chlorocarbons). They store in the fatty tissues of the body. Anything with a chloride content will be an endocrine disruptor and will cause issues with hormone imbalances.
GanedenBC30: is the trademarked name for the patented strain of probiotic bacteria, Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 manufactured by Ganeden Biotech. GanedenBC30 is not a drug. It is a natural supplement developed to help support digestive and immune health.
The fact that a probiotic has been added may look like a good thing but the question is, why would you add it in the first place to something so toxic as an artificial sugar? You can't balance out a totally toxic substance with a product like this. Not being able to find too much about this probiotic I am wondering how good it is. The best probiotics can be found naturally in foods. Try eating some of the following rather than a toxic no calorie sweetener.
Yogurt -low / no sugar and sweeten with honey or pure maple syrup and fresh fruit
Kefier - low / no sugar and add natural sweetners or use in smoothies
Sauerkraut - great probiotics
Any fermented food
Kombucha - I love making this drink. It uses a SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria & yeast) to create a fermented drink that is slightly fizzy and can be sweetened with fruit.
Priobiotics are great for you and very important. They line the gut and assist in defense against illness (60% of your immune system is in your gut).
If you don't like probiotic type foods then get a good probiotic like UDO's Choice Super 8 Probiotic. You'll find the best forms of probiotics in the refrigerator section of a Whole Foods Market or your local heath food store.
Hippocrates said it best - Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
It's School Lunch Packing Time
Each year with the beginning of school I dread packing lunches each morning. What do you put in the lunches of two children who are gluten free, soy free, dye and chemical free? During the summer they feast off of left overs or I cook something for them but in school it is a bit more difficult with no access to a stove or the ability to keep things cold / frozen.
Other mom's have offered some advice that I have found helpful and I thought it would be good to share with you.
Back to School and Staying Healthy
It's almost time for many students to return to school. Parents will carefully purchase clothing, backpacks, lunch boxes, pencils and more to prepare their child for a sucessful year. But are they safe? Many dangerous chemicals are lurking in items used by your children and in things found in the schools your children attend that have been linked to asthma and even autism. I read a great article today regarding where these toxins can be found and how you can protect your children from them.
PVC, the Poison Plastic - Unhealthy for Our Nation’s Children and Schools
Even lunch boxes can be dangerous as many have been found to contain lead. The safe option we have been using for 4 years and love is the Laptop Lunchbox system which are great for the *green* consience family. They can be purchased from Laptop Lunches, Amazon or Ebay. You should also make sure that you are buying a good quality stainless water bottle to avoid BPA's that interfere with hormones in developing bodies.
Speaking of lunch boxes. It's time to consider some healthy options to put into their tummys. The Laptop Lunches website has some great meal ideas. The little containers can make some eye pleasing lunch options.
Along with school comes sickness in many cases as children have new schedules, are exposed to other children's germs and are a bit stressed. There are things you can do to help your child stay on top of his game. First of all we use good old fashioned Vitamin C. We love the Ultra Potent C from Metagenics. They offer a chewable form that is orange flavor that contains lysine as well as Vit C for immune boosting properties. Along with the vitamin C my supplement cupboard (we have no medicine cupboard) always contains Sambucol. This is a syrup from elderberries. Did you know that elderberries have been shown to be effective against the H1N1 virus (just a side bar in case the *scare* comes up again)? If your child does get sick there is a wonderful homeopathic product from BORON called Oscillcoccinum. It is small tubes of tiny pellets like sprinkles on a cupcake. They are sweet too so the child will not mind taking it. Both items can be purchased from your local pharmacy like Walgreens or CVS.
To your health....Naturally!
Healing From Things You Cannot Control
It's been almost two weeks since Clayton College of Natural Health announced on its Facebook page that they were having financial difficulties, had laid of many of its staff and apologized for any hardship this has created for the staff, students and family. It was followed up with a comment that on Monday (July 12th) they would be meeting with the State of Alabama Post Secondary Ed Dept to discuss a plan going forward. So we all waited. Three thousand plus students were enrolled and pursuing a degree through Clayton. So I was not alone. It all came as a shock - no warning, no incling that there was an issue other than a constant shifting of advisers being assigned to me over the last few months. But even that did not signal a crisis, only a staffing issue.
I had just entered my last phase of the Doctorate of Naturopathy program. I was excited to see the end in sight as I carefully counted and planned out my schedule for completion over the next year. But this change of events turned my plans upside down. There was a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I evaluated why a layoff of staff would necessitate a meeting with the state and a plan to move forward. That feeling encouraged me to study and finish my class over the weekend to get one more item on my transcript. So on Sunday, July 11th I submit all the necessary coursework to complete my Detoxification and Healing class.
Then came the news on Tuesday. Clayton College of Natural Health after 30 years in business has decided to shut its doors due to economic reasons. I had just finished paying my last monthly payment in May totalling $7050. Why no warning we all wondered? What is next for us? Hints were given through a reporter and then finally published on the website that the college was working to put together a "Teach Out" program. This is a program by which the school can have a limited staff to assist some students in completion of their degrees, allow for transfer to other colleges or continue their degrees under another authority. Notice I said "some". Yes that is key. We do not know who may be eligible or if the plan will actually come to fruition.
Recently on a news website an article was posted on how the school closing had effected Clayton students. There were many that posted ugly topics like "That's what you get for going to an unaccredited school" or "Who would think that they really could get a Doctorate degree for $7,000". For one thing "degrees" in holistic health are not like those from regular universities - thankfully. :) There is one thing to keep in mind when it comes to the holistic health arena. Most of us do not want a school with accreditation because that means that the course content will be watered down to represent what the government deems to be relevant and not what really is. Some where along the line we have begun to believe that having government approval means value and authenticity. Well it doesn't. It actually makes things worse. The government cannot be an expert in all areas and to believe that it can regulate every aspect of your life effectively is just insane. So using the brain God gave me I evaluated the courses and chose Clayton. It's just unfortunate that the management of the school handled the economic downturn and whatever else contributed to the loss of our school - poorly.
So for now I am left wondering where I will end up. Recent news from Clayton states that an individual has been found for a "Teach Out" program for a few individuals. That doesn't sound promising. They also mention that they are working with other colleges to allow transferring of students. To this all I see are $$$ on my part after having paid Clayton over $7,000 for the same coursework that I will probably never get to finish.
One friend reminded me of a verse from the Bible. I think it is appropriate in this situation. I am reminded that God was not surprised by this and that He is still in control. What they meant for evil God intends for good.
Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
To all my Clayton fellow students. Keep the faith, keep striving for your dreams and never let anyone else steal them from you.
To your health..... naturally.
The ABC's of Nutrition - Vitamin A
Vitamin A was the first vitamin that was officially named. That is why it was labeled with the first letter of the alphabet. It was identified in 1913. The first form identified is what we now know as retinol (preformed).
Retinol's function is easy to remember because its main function is on the retina (eye). The rods of the eyes within the retina rhodopsin which is a pigment which enables the rods to detect small amounts of light. The pigment cannot be made without Vitamin A. More specifically - Retinal - which is a special form.
The other form, carotenoids, are known as provitamin A. They can be found in oranges and carrots as well as the yellow vegetables and fruits. There are 600 different carotenoids. These carotenoids can be convereted into retinol.
Vitamin A is measured mainly in IU's (international units) which is the level of chemical activity belonging to the Vitamin A. Beginning in 2000, the RDA switched to expressing in terms of micrograms. This brought in the actual physical amount and allowed for a chemical activity factor.
Vit A is absorbed primarily in the small intestine. This vitamin is fat soluble (stored in the fatty tissue of the body) and is reduced with alcohol usage, cortisone medication, excessive iron intake or the use of mineral oil. Exercise can also deplete this vitamin. Because it is stored in the fatty tissue, the body can draw upon these reserves when intake is lowered. 90% of the Vit A is stored in the liver with smaller amounts in the kidneys, lungs and eyes.
Vitamin A is depleted when there are times of stress or illness. Adequate levels of zinc are required in order to release vitamin A for usage.
Recommended intake per day is approximately 5,000 iU (or 1,500 mcg RE). Deficiency signs include dry skin, changes in vision, and an increase in infections.
Sources - the two forms come from different foods. Preform A (Retinol) is derived from animal sources. It is found in the highest form in liver and fish liver oils. Egg yolks and milk products can be good sources of Vit A if obtained from non- "drugged", grass-fed animals. ProVitamin A (beta-carotene) is found in a variety of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. It is converted to Vit A in the liver. Individuals with low thyroid, diabetes and those using large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids without antioxidants such as Vit E will have difficulty in converting beta-carotene to Vit A. The presence of bile salts and fatty acids in the intestine helps the assimilation of Vitamin A.
Supplement Option - Kroeger Herbs Sunny A
Why is Vitamin A Important?
Healthy Skin - both internal and external tissue integrity
Growth and Tissue Healing - involved in new cell creation including bone and promoting healthy teeth.
Antioxidation - protects cell membranes from free radicals
Lowered Cancer Risk and Supporting Immune System - optimizes function of white blood cells and integrity of mucosal lining.
Regulating Genetic Processes - the binding of retinoic acid to receptors on the nuclear membranes alters genetic processes
To find foods highest in Vitamin A check out the Worlds Healthiest Foods.
ACNE CURE - If your teen is struggling with acne, Vitamin A has been shown to assist in detoxing the liver to clear the skin. Acne is a result of an overly toxic body.
To your health...... Naturally,
The Green Smoothie After a Workout
To your health..... naturally!
Laptop Lunches: Think Bento
I love my laptop lunch box systems for my children. Even though school lunches are coming to an end there are still the day trips to the beach or a park where a laptop lunch is useful.
Another useful resource can be found midway in this blog. You will find a printable lunch "item" sheet for Packing A Healthy Lunch. I love how it is laid out in columns which allows me to plan my grocery shopping list and get ideas for items I may have forgotten about when packing a lunch.
To your health .... Naturally!
Nutrition For Our Children
As parents, many of us have lost the art of feeding our children. I have the privilege of working in my children's classrooms during lunchtime. Inevitably I leave them grieving for the future health of many of the children. I remember one occasion in particular.
There are 825 calories in this "lunch". There are 30 grams of sugar - that's 7.5 teaspoons full of sugar (or 2 1/3 TBS)!
The thing that is most troubling about this is that this food is dead. There are no enzymes, vitamins or minerals. The body cannot use this. The brain is starving for good fats. Cell regeneration requires good fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Without them the cells DNA will mutate and disease sets in. Whether you see it in your child now or not. It is inevitable. Tooth decay, allergies, hyperactivity and more. They are all signs of a poorly nourished child. In future blog entries I will begin to cover what things you should consider feeding your child.
Here are the "nutritional" breakdowns of this child's lunch.

School Bagel and Cream Cheese Bars/Original-bagel-fuls Original (Water, Fine Whole Wheat Flour, Enriched Flour [Wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid], Cream Cheese [Pasteurized Milk and Cream, Cheese Culture, Salt, Xanthan Gum, Carob Bean Gum, Guar Gum], Brown Sugar, Contains less than 2% of Each of the Following: Wheat Gluten, Sugar, Extract of Malted Barley and Corn, Yeast, Wheat Flour, Salt, Dimagnesium Phosphate, Degerminated Yellow Corn Flour, Dicalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate, Soybean Oil, Calcium Sulfate, L-cysteine, Ascorbic Acid Added As A Dough Conditioner, Niacinamide, Sorbitan Monostearate, Zinc Oxide, Azodicarbonamide, Calcium Iodate, Ammonium Sulfate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Enzymes, Calcium Peroxide.) Contains: Milk and Wheat Ingredients.
Nutrition Facts
Kraft Bagel-Fuls - Whole Grain W/Cream Cheese Servings: 1 filled bagel
Calories 180
Total Fat 6 g
Saturated 4 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g
Monounsaturated 0 g
Trans 0 g
Cholesterol 15 mg
Vitamin A 0%
Vitamin C 0%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily
Total Fat 12 g
Potassium 0 mg
Saturated 5 g
Total Carbs 40 g
Polyunsaturated 0 g
Dietary Fiber 0 g
Monounsaturated 0 g
Sugars 26 g
Trans 0 g
Sodium 450 mg
Potassium 825 mg
Total Carbs 38 g
Dietary Fiber 3 g
Sugars 0 g
Protein 5 g
Vitamin C 25% Iron 5%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily
This is a sample of my children's lunches. I use the Laptop Lunchbox system. My children's lunches consisted of fresh strawberries and blueberries, trail mix (cashews, peanuts, almonds, raisins and M&M's), cheese stick / cubes, pretzels and home made gluten free applesauce spice bread. There are proteins, enzymes, whole grains, and good fats in these lunches.
Welcome to my New Blog
I have decided it was time to leave my blog about thyroid cancer behind and begin to focus on the bigger picture of health. I am now 10 years past my diagnosis and have a wonderful doctor to help me on my journey. My markers are normal and life is good. So it's time to move on.
There are many times I have contemplated topics regarding what it means to live a holistic life but never felt it belonged on My Journey Through Thyroid Cancer blog. So here we are with a new place to discuss the things that matter in life when trying to stay healthy. My topics will include things like healthy food, detoxification, healthy home tips and how to care for your children or anything else that strikes my fancy.
I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot on you journey to stay well.